Agnes, a dedicated advocate for rural women’s rights, has been making waves in the Kunene Region, particularly in the Opuwo rural constituency of Otuani. Her efforts extend further, reaching the regions of Omusati and Otjoxondjupa. Through her work with RWA Namibia, Agnes has taken significant strides towards raising awareness and sensitising rural women about their rights under the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas (UNDROP).
Agnes’s journey began with a deep passion for empowering women in rural areas, where they often face unique challenges that demand specific attention. In the Kunene Region, the rugged landscapes and remote communities create barriers to accessing information and resources. However, Agnes, with the support of RWA Namibia, has been tirelessly organising awareness meetings to bridge this gap.
The recent UNDROP awareness meeting in Opuwo rural constituency, Otuani, was a pivotal moment. Agnes and RWA Namibia sisters engaged with the local women, educating them about their rights and the protections afforded to them by UNDROP. The meeting focused on issues such as land rights, access to resources, and gender equality – all crucial aspects for the empowerment of rural women.
The impact of these initiatives is not confined to Kunene alone. Agnes and her team have extended their efforts to Omusati and Otjoxondjupa, recognizing the importance of spreading awareness across various regions. By collaborating with local communities and leaders, they aim to create a ripple effect, fostering a culture of understanding and support for rural women’s rights. The UNDROP awareness and sensitization programs led by Agnes emphasise the significance of grassroots movements in driving change. By actively involving local communities, RWA Namibia is fostering a sense of ownership and empowerment among rural women. The ultimate goal is to create lasting change that positively influences the lives of women in these areas.