By Thokozire Mbewe
On 1st May in continuing the peasant struggle, we mobilized against land grabs, seeds and land territories and water and food sovereignty. We presented our UNDROP to the chief who presents the council and the area extension development coordinator who represents the Ministry of Agriculture and the area development committee chair who represents different stakeholders at community level. During the celebration we focused on three articles.
First is Article 4 which was about rights of women and other peasants
The second one was Article 17 which was about right to land and other resources
And the last one was Article 19, right to seeds.
On land laws the Malawi government has already implemented but in few districts. Malawi has signed UNDROP but not yet implemented and we are also demanding the country on that one. The important article here in Malawi is article 17 which is about the right to land and other resources. We are working hand in hand with other stakeholders to ensure the peasants and people living in rural areas have access to own and control over the land. Peasants also have close connections with the land and depend on the land. Land is our capital and is our future.
UNDROP in our communities can help us to face discrimination and oppression. It can protect us through policies and laws.It can defend us in court and it can inform us through popular education. It can help us when we communicate with the media.
Our Demands
We call our members, allies, friends and communities to join us through direct action and cultural activities to denounce the advance of capital over the peoples.
It’s our demand to the Malawi’s nation to implement it in all districts to reach more peasants and women living in rural areas.