GBV is becoming a common occurrence—an everyday thing. Barely a day passes in Zambia without the report of a case of violence against women, whether in a rural or an urban setting.
In some areas, the number of reported cases averages 50 a day. It is widely believed, however, that many cases go unreported and the numbers keep going up.
Gender-based violence (GBV) in Zambia takes the form of physical, mental, social or economic abuse against a person because of that person’s gender and includes violence that may result in physical, sexual or psychological harm and suffering to the victim. It may also include threats or coercion, or the arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether in public or private life. Currently there has been an increase in physical GBV cases such as those involving assault and murder.
Child marriage is another form of GBV and a human rights violation that robs girls of their right to health, a secure life and the right to choose when and whom to marry. The root causes of GBV can largely be narrowed down to inequality for women and the associated violence and harmful and controlling aspects of masculinity that result from patriarchal power imbalances embedded in much of Africa’s traditional and cultural beliefs. This imbalance often leads to pervasive cultural stereotypes and attitudes that perpetuate the cycle of GBV. Communities, especially in the rural areas, have continued to embrace negative cultural beliefs whereby GBV is the norm. If a man does not beat his wife, it is taken to mean he doesn\’t love her. Some beliefs condone men’s infidelity but never women’s.
Currently RWA Zambia is undertaking GBV awareness and sensitization campaigns in order to prevent and Mitigate GBV .The research findings of the scorecard research done by RWA Zambia in 5 districts of Zambia namely Ndola, Lusaka, Chongwe, Monze and Mumbwa reviewed a lot of gaps such as lack of safe houses for GBV victims, People lacking knowledge on where to report GBV cases and most people are not aware of the Anti GBV Act to mention but a few.
RWA Zambia has been carrying out campaigns on educating people on forms of GBV and Offenses which are outlined in the Anti GBV Act.
Further, the Anti GBV Act also states that the person who is victimized can get a protection order .Most people are not aware of that. RWA Zambia has been educating people on the Protection order as most people were afraid to report GBV case because the victims would still remain in the perpetrators household .
Furthermore, RWA Zambia has also been encouraging and sensitizing women to report GBV cases not only to the victims support unit but also to the head men, concerned people, health worker , community and community workers as long as the have witnessed it .It has been encouraging people to report to the police victims Support unit .People report GBV cases to any police station and this prevents their cases from being handled appropriately and professionally as when the go direct to victims support unit , their cases are dealt with professionally and accordingly. However, most places do not have police stations near by as such people have to travel long distances to get to the police stations , this has resulted in most cases not being unreported.
In addition, RWA Zambia also sensitizing people to report GBV cases to hospitals that have one stop centers .These Centers have a policemen, a doctor and lawyer .The police officer writes the GBV report, the doctors examines the victim and the lawyer takes up the case. However, people Shane away from being witnesses.
RWA Zambia also has been sensitizing women on the GBV toll free line 933 or child help line 166 which enables people to get help immediately and make calls without being known.
To mitigate and fight GBV after the score card research findings and gaps , RWA will be running two pilot healing centers , one in Mumbwa and another in Chongwe Districts of Zambia. RWA Zambia will be training 10 healing center Facilitators. 5 in Chongwe and 5 in Mumbwa District.
As RWA Zambia, We say Empower victims and hold perpetrators accountable .GBV is a crime not a private matter NO excuses No Tolerance GBV must end Now GBV MUST fall We must break the cycle of violence and be an ally in the fight against GBV