While we do not have total clarity as to the situation on the ground, it has come to our attention that there have been sudden changes in the government structures of Zimbabwe, resulting in the army taking control of leadership. This has raised concerns for many Zimbabweans in that their country is in a state of flux which can escalate and result in dire consequences for the people of Zimbabwe.
The people of Zimbabwe have continuously been subjected to oppression, exploitation, and poverty, and the current developments have the potential to exacerbate their suffering.
The role of SADC and governments in the region in supporting the regime in Zimbabwe should also not be overlooked. Their actions, including at times inactions, have contributed to the current situation in Zimbabwe.
The Civil Society Organisations and actors listed below confirm their solidarity with the people of Zimbabwe in this volatile and unsettled period.
We call on the role-players within the country to exercise restraint and to place the well-being and protection of the Zimbabwean people at the top of their priority objectives. We call on the role-players within the country to ensure that the civil liberties of the people of Zimbabwe are recognized and respected and that their physical integrity and democratic principles are guaranteed.
We call on our respective governments and SADC to engage with all relevant role-players to broker a positive way forward with the least possible upheaval and pain for the people of Zimbabwe.
We stand in solidarity with the movements and organisations in Zimbabwe that have engaged in the struggle for transformation and democratisation in their country and that will continue to do so. We call for people to people solidarity.
Civil Society Organisations and Actors in support of this statement:
- A União Nacional de Camponeses, UNAC, Mozambique· Acção para o Desenvolvimento Rural e Ambiente, ADRA, Angola ·Associação Moçambicana para Desenvolvimento da Família, AMODEFA, Mozambique · Aurea Mouzinho, feminist activist, Angola · Church Land Programme, CLP, South Africa · Community Healthcare Worker Regional Movement, Southern Africa · East Cape Agricultural Research Project, ECARP, South Africa ·groundWork, South Africa · International Labour Research and Information Group, ILRIG, South Africa · Just Associates, JASS, Southern Africa · Justiça Ambiental, Mozambique · La Via Campesina – Southern and Eastern Africa · Labour Resource and Research Institute, LARRI, Namibia · Legal Assistance Centre, LAC, Namibia · Livaningo, Mozambique · Positive Vibes, Namibia ·Rural Women’s Assembly, Southern Africa · South African Careworkers Forum, South Africa · Surplus People Project, SPP, South Africa · Wellness Foundation, South Africa · Women’s Legal Centre, WLC, Namibia · WoMin, African Gender and Extractives Alliance, Africa
The statement can be downloaded here