RWA Tanzania: RWA members hold AGM

This meeting was conducted at Mbeya district (Ifisi community centre) on 22nd August, 2023, whereby RWA members from different districts in southern highland of Tanzania come together for familiarization, learning, exchange of experience and to present issues that will help to change government system and life as well as to discuss various issues about forum including forum structure, membership and leadership.


After that meeting various issues came out including all participants agreed to be RWA members and recommended to contribute TZS 10000/= as  Entrance fee and TZS 5000/= annual fee in order to run forum activities and a total of TZS 532,000/= contributed. Also RWA succeeded to elect leaders including chairperson, vice chairperson, secretary, and accountant as well agreed about  forum structure including; AGM at the top followed by management, then advisor finally all RWA members. 

In addition it was an opportunity for rural women to share experience and knowledge exchange through discussion and product demonstration including local seeds and other man made products, finally recommending mobilizing more women from their areas to join RWA in order to increase members.

“RWA brings them together to raise their voices and transform them through information, experience sharing and exchange of knowledge,” Women said.

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