RWA Madagascar: Feminist Agroecology in Madagascar

Several rural women organisations in Madagascar have been promoting Feminist Agroecology for many years now; RWA Madagascar is among them fighting for gender, economic, social and climate justice. Feminist Agroecology is an approach that focuses on redressing unequal gender relationships as well as other intersecting relations of marginalization such as race, class and ethnic identity. Feminist agroecology offers an alternative to the unequal gender power relationship in rural and urban communities and offers tools and pathways to overcoming the oppressive structures in which women are embedded.

Its role is helping to protect, restore and improve agriculture and food systems in the face of climate shocks and stressors. In addition, it preserves natural resources and biodiversity since the process aims at producing more with fewer resources, enhancing the resilience of rural people, reducing climate shocks all the way and enhances farmer-consumer connectivity in the same package.

Moreover, feminist agroecology increases fairness and participation as well as diversification and markets for it works with local communities, food producers and other actors to prevent land degradation and restore degraded areas.

Feminist agroecology mainly relies on a community’s own knowledge and understanding of their land that allows for self-sustainability and organisation ; self-determination as well as food produced by linking traditional knowledge, sustainable farming methods ; experiences  with local food systems ; culture and economics.

It is an integrated approach in which ecological and social principles and concepts are applied simultaneously to the design and management of food and agricultural systems.

It is known as a technique of sustainable farming that focuses on utilizing natural resources comprehensively with letting them be susceptible to damage. With this type of farming at hand, farmers can instantly develop better solutions to improve their environmental and economic pressures. Based on bottom-up and territorial process because it combines service with traditional, practical and local producers knowledge.

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